Exercise for chronic back pain


The latest research suggests that both Clinical Pilates and general exercise programs delivered by physiotherapists are both safe and effective in managing chronic back pain (1).

Clinical Pilates offers a tailored exercise program, which is designed and monitored by your physiotherapist.

In addition to Clinical Pilates, regular exercise is a very important part of back pain management. Here are some tips:

pilates photo1. Choose an exercise that you enjoy, and that you can participate in pain free. Running, swimming, cycling, yoga and dancing are all great activities that you may choose to do.

2. Work exercise into your daily routine e.g. riding to work, or walking home from the station.

3. Being active has numerous other benefits including cardiovascular and mental health. Strength and balance training is also important for bone health and preventing falls, especially in people over 60 years old.

Physiotherapists stay up to date with the latest research in order to provide high quality care to patients. They also consider their clinical experience and the patient’s wishes when deciding on a treatment regimen.

To learn more about Clinical Pilates, or to book a class, call InnerStrength of Bayside on 8555 4099 today!


(1) Wajswelner, H., Metcalf, B., Bennel, K. (2012) Clinical pilates versus general exercise for low back pain: randomized trial. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 44(7): 1197-1205