We are Dry this July

Inner Strength has an amazing opportunity this year to make life better for people affected by cancer in our area and we would love you to support us in this mission.
The PINC & STEEL Foundation are a major beneficiary of the Dry July campaign this year, which means ALL funds raised by our team will go directly to cancer rehabilitation services at our clinic. We know from our work with patients, the sooner an individual has recovered from the side effects of cancer treatment, the sooner their quality of life can return.
There is a great inequity in Australia for people suffering from cancer. With no government support, and very limited cancer charity funding actually going directly to rehabilitation, many people miss out and suffer unnecessarily. We could be waiting for years for the government to get behind funding rehabilitation services.
If you haven’t already, it would mean so much to us if you supported our challenge by making a donation to our Dry July.
For the cost of your morning coffee, commute, or round at the pub, your donation will help provide services and care that help make life better for people affected by cancer.
You can make a donation here https://www.dryjuly.com/teams/inner-strength
Thank you in advance for supporting us and this fantastic cause.