Hamstring Exercises

Level 1:

Aim for 3x 15 reps, every 2nd day. 

Theraband Hamstring CurlBilateral BridgeSingle Leg Bridge
Prone theraband hams curlBridgeSingle leg bridge
Tie a theraband around the leg of a table and pull against it as your bend your knee.


Push through your heels, activate your gluteals and lift your hips.Push through the one heel, activate your gluteals and lift your hips.


 Level 2:

Aim for 3x 15 reps, every 2nd day. 

NordicsHip ThrustWalking Lunges
NordicsHip thrust on swiss ballLunge
Kneeling, have someone hold your ankles as you lean forward, catch yourself and then straighten up.Lie with the affected lower leg on a swiss ball. Lift the hips up. Active your gluteals.Walk lunges the length of the room/hallway. Keep weight on the front heel and chest up.