Poppy’s Blog: Yr 10 Work Experience
My year 10 work experience at Inner Strength Bayside has been an interesting week. Throughout my time here I have been able to observe different programs including the physio consultations, physio-led exercise as well as mums & bubs classes.
By watching the physio led exercise classes I was able to learn about some of the exercises and discuss the specific benefits for the patients. The consultations showed me different injuries and what it’s like treating them/the journey of recovering from them. It was nice to see the babies bond
with their mothers in the mums & bubs groups.
During my time here, I was even able to participate in some of the group exercise sessions on the reformers which I found very different to my usual exercise and more exciting than I expected!
I would like to thank the clients for allowing me to watch their appointments and sessions as it has allowed me to gain an insight about the treatments at Inner Strength Bayside and a career in
physiotherapy in general. The team here are nice and have helped make the week enjoyable. Maybein a few years I could be back if all goes well!
Written by Poppy Pearson,
Yr 10 student