Continuing our series on questions to ask in your postpartum check-up, is a question many women don’t think to ask simply because there’s not a lot of education in this space. There are many things we can teach you to support scar healing, mobility, and function. Ask us how!

Continuing our series on questions to ask in your postpartum check-up, is a question many women don’t think to ask simply because there’s not a lot of education in this space. There are many things we can teach you to support scar healing, mobility, and function. Ask us how!
Continuing our series on questions to ask in your postpartum check-up, is a question many women don’t think to ask simply because there’s not a lot of education in this space. There are many things we can teach you to support scar healing, mobility, and function. Ask us how! #innerstrengthbayside #innerstrength #choosephysio #cesarean #cesareanrecovery #cesareanscar